Reboot is a publication and community reimagining techno-optimism for a better collective future.

Technologists have long imagined their work in a vacuum. Hurry up, it’s time to build! they proclaim, moving fast and breaking plenty along the way.

Rather than hacking away at half-baked solutions, we aim to redefine what “success” in tech means altogether. At Reboot, we believe:

  • Technology is part of a system. We analyze tech in the context of the institutions and ideologies it shapes and is shaped by.

  • Technologists should also be thinkers, writers, and advocates. Society thrives when we all have the courage to state the future we want to live in.

  • Optimism is an action, not a belief. We’re neither accelerationists nor Luddites: we are agents chipping away at a better world.

To that end, here’s what we’re building:

  • Newsletter: We share weekly essays and interviews by community members.

  • Magazine: We publish Kernel, a biannual print magazine.

  • Events: We host live Q&As with authors of the best books on tech and society.

  • Community: We run in-person meetups, book clubs, and more.

Reboot was cofounded by Jasmine Sun and Jessica Dai in 2020. They currently serve as co-editors-in-chief. In addition, our editorial board comprises of Ashwin Ramaswami, Jacob Kuppermann, Hal Triedman, Humphrey Obuobi, Lila Shroff, and Tianyu Fang.

We operate as a fiscally sponsored nonprofit run by an ever-growing team of volunteers, and supported by a community of thousands of students, educators, writers, engineers, historians, activists, and scientists.

Some notes from our lovely readers and community members:

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Essays, events, and community about reimagining techno-optimism for a better collective future.


Hi! I'm a PhD student in computer science at UC Berkeley and cofounder/ editor-in-chief of Reboot.
Writer/researcher/mapmaker about ecology/music/politics/the future
Writer and researcher. Editor, Reboot. Founding intern emeritus, Chaoyang Trap.
@lilashroff on Twitter.
words, the web, and worlds to come • substack product team
Founder at LETS Studio. Thoughts on participatory design, technology, democracy, urbanism, and gray areas in between. Formerly @ Harvard, Google, Recidiviz.