⚡ Register for July talks on tech and policing
Rescheduled talks with Xiaowei Wang and Ben Green
Last month, we postponed our scheduled discussions with Xiaowei Wang and Ben Green in order to direct our collective attention and efforts to protesting police violence against Black communities. As the struggle for racial justice continues, we hope to use Reboot to discuss the intersection of technology and policing, and its impacts on marginalized people around the world.
These discussions have been rescheduled, and are now open for registration at the bolded links below.
As usual, our events are held on Zoom from 5-6pm Pacific. We give preference to students and recent graduates, and registration is first-come, first-serve.
July 9: Reboot ft. Xiaowei Wang (Blockchain Chicken Farm) On China, tech, and policing with artist/technologist Xiaowei Wang
July 17: Reboot ft. Ben Green (The Smart Enough City) On the role of technology in urban surveillance with researcher Ben Green
When you register, you commit to attending the event. Please refund your ticket through Eventbrite if you can’t make it—we usually have a waitlist and want to offer spots to those who can.
Finally, if you have attended and enjoyed free Reboot events in the past, we encourage you to donate to grassroots organizations supporting Black women and Black trans folks such as The Okra Project, Survived and Punished, or The Loveland Foundation.
We hope to see you soon!
If you have feedback (e.g. event/guest suggestions), hit reply or let us know here.
This discussion series is generously supported by the Ethics Event Grant from the McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society. Any Stanford undergraduate interested in hosting an ethics-related event can apply for a small grant through this program.